Case Study Featured Image

Eugene Water & Electric Board

When we began working with EWEB, we handled media placement and some design work. Since then, we have taken on campaign and logo development, many design projects, and lots of customer research. Now, you may be thinking “why does a public utility, with no competition, need to market themselves?”

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It’s a good question. And it’s a unique situation: EWEB actually markets programs to help residents use less of its services. In other words, to save money on their utility bill. We’ve also worked with EWEB on some planet-friendly programs, from Greenpower to Pure Water Partners to marketing EWEB’s annual “Run to Stay Warm” fundraiser for those struggling to pay their utility bill.

EWEB also actively listens to its customer-owners, and we help with that. We coordinate and facilitate discussion groups and panels among customers to help the utility make decisions on how it provides services.